Kindy Weaving No.8


Using the random strips leftover from my other Kindergarten Collages (which feature my tempera on newsprint Kindergarten paintings,) I weave them into various sizes and configurations and attach them to abstractly painted wooden supports. The goal being to make a lively visual interplay with the bright strips and their very patterned backgrounds.

In this series, I aim to use every last scrap in making new art from old and continuing my collaboration with my younger self. Back then if I and my classmates drew spontaneous patterns, we called them a “design” and just went with it, coloring in the shapes or adding more lines to suit. That’s the spirit with which I am generating these weavings, keeping the choices simple and letting the serendipity of it play first fiddle.

Weaving No. 8 is made from another crayon resist painting of mostly red and green covered with black tempera paint. The weaving lets the red and black take the center while the green ends ride around the outside, reaching for the edges. The modest coolish gray background lets them do their thing, content to be a frame.

  • Artist’s vintage Kindergarten painting strips on painted wooden cradle
  • 8″ x 8″
  • One of a kind, of course
  • Ready to hang
  • Free shipping

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  • Materials: Crayon, tempera, oatmeal paper, acrylic paint
  • Support: Birchwood cradle
  • Size: 8″ x 8″ x  .75″
  • Year: 2022
  • Ready to hang
  • Free Shipping

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Dimensions 8 × 8 × .75 in