Homing In


detail of ceramic incinerator door with Homefire 1957 impressed into clay


Here’s a sneak peek times two.

First, it involves a distinctly new direction for my ceramic artwork.  And yes, that is a public Statement of Intention. Always good to get it out there and then have to live up to one’s promises or ‘splain why without sounding cheesy.

And, second, it involves an upcoming exhibit titled “HOME” at Pajaro Valley Arts in Watsonville, CA, where this seminal piece of mine, “Homefire 1957” will be on exhibit from July 6 to August 7. (The photo is a just an eyeball-in-the-keyhole detail shot.)

To celebrate and explain these two further, I will write not only about the literal facets of this work, but will share my observations on what exhibits can do for both the work on display and the arts community surrounding them.

Starting next week.

–Liz Crain, who means to be a tease.



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1 thought on “Homing In

  1. I am waiting with bated breath.

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