Extra! Extra! Hot Off the Press!!!: Hot Out of the Kiln for December 2014



A couple of months ago I got interviewed in my studio about my work. A first for me. (Eeep!)

And photographed. (Quadruple Eeep!!!!)

For serious publication. (Total freeze with barely audible eeep.)

The article was just published in the toney Santa Cruz Style Magazine.  (OK, I’ll peek…)

Whew! It’s an issue with a series of articles about many local ceramic artists: functional, sculptural, teachers, healers and more. There is safety in numbers and I am in comfortable company. My Tribe!!!!

It’s said that all press is good press. Not to me. I only want the press that is insightful and honest.  That is crafted by artist writers and artist photographers who tell the artful truth with words and images and don’t just fill in the blanks and column inch limits.

So, Thank You to writer Stacey Vreeken and photographer Bill Lovejoy. Let me mirror back to you my love because your interpretive, expressive work reflects the truth of our time spent together. It is relaxed, funny and so dang good. It takes my Eeep Factors down to Simmer.

And just so you, Dear Readers, get the Full Reveal, here’s a bit of backstory and participant-observer notations from the Spotlight and Hot Off the Press Seat.

In advance, of their visits, I sorta figured I could really only show up as myself. I did nothing special, dressed in my usual clothing, did not tidy up the studio and trusted in veracity. It was the right choice, as it fed their natural selves as well.

Back in the day, Stacey’s kid Jack was in Kindergarten with my now-twenty-something younger son Max. I liked her then and, while we only occasionally connected,  I have always noticed her bylines over the decades since. When she visited, we happily veered off-road to kids and music and food and life changes. I felt this catch-up conversation was as organic and real as any I have ever had, and we discovered passions in common while she dug deep into the soft loam of my artistic process and philosophies. Her writing reflects a real conversation!

I did the same with Bill and it was even better. Better because, while we talked, the words weren’t the point. He just kept clicking away. Hardly did I pose. I just moved around and told him what I was working on and laughed the entire time. While I was in no way self-conscious, my big concern was that, in all my naturalness,  I would look like a horsey Dobbin. Some of us are photogenic and most of us need the help from our good angles. I let it all out in a cosmic guffaw. Bill did well with that – and I found myself at peace with the photo below. Yep, that’s me.


Photo by Bill Lovejoy


-Liz Crain, who now knows how the best interviews and photo shoots are conducted and will hardly settle for less.

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4 thoughts on “Extra! Extra! Hot Off the Press!!!: Hot Out of the Kiln for December 2014

  1. Liz, this is so well written, congratulations on your interview. I agree with you about wanting press to be honest and insightful. I wish the link to the magazine would take me right to the interview. I have friends in Santa Cruz, I’m going to tell them to pick up a copy. Best wishes for this bringing you the acclaim you deserve, Kathleen

    1. Hey Kathleen, thanks for your enthusiasm and encouragement. It means a lot. With any luck, the magazine will soon update their site with this current issue. (And in theory my link will go to the articles!) I bet some of your Santa Cruz friends know some of mine. I always love those kinds of connections. Looking forward to discovering that!

  2. Liz I love your insightful take on things. What could be a nerve wracking experience is wrapped up in a blanket of knowing your medium, loving your life and others.

    1. Awww, thank you Linda for that lovely comment!

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